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A heavy legacy of government decisions strains the Hungarian economy - EC review

In-depth review of Hungarian economy published in Commission's Imbalance Report

orbán viktor miniszterelnök kormányfő

"If there were peace, the Hungarian economy could grow twice as fast" - Orbán

It could easily be necessary to increase war spending in 2025


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    orbán viktor miniszterelnök kormányfő

    "If there were peace, the Hungarian economy could grow twice as fast" - Orbán

    It could easily be necessary to increase war spending in 2025

    EU Funds

    újság napilap

    Media freedom erodes further across the EU, Hungary sets bad example

    There are also worrying trends in Western European countries

    kinai olajimport

    Brussels to sanction Russian LNG imports, even the Hungarian government would not veto

    The EU would cut itself off completely from Russian LNG



    Hungarian government has to disclose the documents of the Yettel deal

    Following the ruling of the Metropolitan Court of Budapest


    This bank could be the biggest acquisition in the history of Hungary's OTP

    Meets all the criteria hinted at by CEO Sándor Csányi



    iroda irodapiac

    Hungarian real estate investment market at a 10-year low in 2023

    Not only Hungary has seen a steep decline though

    Ördögi körbe kerülhet az emberiség a légkondicionálók miatt

    This many households in Hungary have air conditioning

    They try to survive the summer heat with fans instead

    Budapest ingatlanpiac lakások madártávlat

    House price growth accelerated in Hungary - Here are the detailed figures!

    Central bank shows changes by settlement type too


    erkély napelem

    Demand for balcony solar panels in Hungary seems to be huge

    Ideal solution in densely populated areas


    Energy Minister: Hungarian gas storages filled to an unprecedented level, consumption down

    Fill rate as a percentage of consumption second highest in the EU

    Real estate needs to become a force for good

    Tina Paillet, President of RICS, talked to Property Forum at Mipim about the real estate industry's crucial role in addressing climate change. She highlighted the sector's significant environmental impact and emphasized the need for the industry to become...